M-382 (Bergeron) : ĞMEMORANDUM DE VOTEğ
03/10/2004 - 16:24 - 6139959810 - BLOC LOBBY - PAGE 01
Chief Opposition Whip - 995-2291 (phone)
434-N, Centre Black - 995-2755 (fax)
TO: Conservative Members of Parliament
FROM: Dale Johnston, MP - Chief Opposition Whip
DATE: March 10, 2004
SUBJECT: March 10 Vote
ITEM ------------- RECOMMENDATION ---------- CRITIC ------------ PRIORITY
TIME: Bells Immediately following Routine Proceedings Approx 3:15
Vote Immediately following Routine Proceedings Approx 3:15
1) M-382 (Bergeron) ------ (Free Vote) ------- Oppose ----- Reid -- C
This motion concerning deportation of the Acadian People assumes that collective guilt can be
inherited by institutions. It also assumes that the British Crown is ultimately responsible for the
deportation of the Acadians, however, the most common interpretation of events is that the
deportation was ordered by the governors of Nova Scotia and New England, rather than Parliament
or King George. As such, it is not appropriate to ask the British Crown to apologize for the
deportation of the Acadian population